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Welcome to Bildombudsmannen

Staffan Teste, Bildombudsmannen AB, works as Picture ombudsman for Nordic countries. If you have problem to receive money from a buyer we can help you. We are involved in infringements of pictures owned by small copyright owners to big rights holders and picture agencies. As long as you own the copyright we will help you.
     Since 1977 we have helped several hundred copyright owners to receive money from a few thousand crowns to half a million. During late 90-ties we helped 18 picture agencies to receive about one million crowns from a collecting society. We help copyright owners and picture buyers to write fair contracts. We have also helped models to receive what they should and helped people, who have been unlawfully used in advertising.
     Teste is also working for BLF the Swedish organisation for photo companies and agencies in Sweden, second largest organisation of that kind in Europe and a member of Cepic.
   Staffan Teste has experience in International law in his position as a former member of the board of the European Picture agency organisation Cepic. He has represent Cepic in the World Intellectual Organisation, WIPO and in EU-hearings.
     Companies outside Sweden use Bildombudsmannen to help them with their problems in the picture world. Bildombudsmannen represent members of Picscout   on Nordic countries. Staffan Teste is member of an International law discussion group in Cepic. Every year lawyers from that group meet at Cepic conference in Europe.
     Send an email to and tell us your problems. We work on a commission base after a small amount of introduction money. If it turned out to be impossible to solve your case it does not cost you anything more.

Redigerad bild?

Hur fungerar det om jag har redigerat en bild åt min kompis som själv har fotograferat den och nu använder samma bild utan att nämna alls att jag har stått för redigeringen och får det att se ut som att hon har fotograferat bilden så?



Upphovsrätten till bilden ligger kvar hos upphovsmannen. Skyddet för upphovsmannen gäller även bearbetning. det ger alltså ingen ny rätt att redigera en bild eller t.ex. färglägga den. Det senare kan t.o.m om det sker utan tillstånd betraktas som en kränkning av fotografens rätt. Fotografen behöver inte uppge vem som redigerat, bearbetat bilden. Hade du velat det skulle du ha avtalat om saken redan innan jobbet utfördes. I så fall hade det kunnat vara ett avtalsbrott.
By Staffan Teste