Har en kollega som nyss har börjat på salongen där jag jobbar.
En fråga till: Har jag rätt att scanna in och använda bilder från konstböcker som visar reprofotografier av verk där upphovsrätten har gått ur? Från Wikipedia: "PD-art (Public Domain-art) template This is a faithful photographic reproduction of an original two-dimensional work of art. The original image comprising the work of art itself is in the public domain because its copyright has expired." (the photograph is not original enough to qualify for copyright protection) "In Denmark (Article 70), Finland (Article 49 a), Norway (Article 43 a), Sweden (Article 49 a), and Iceland (§49), anyone who has produced a photographic picture has an exclusive right to reproduce the picture and to make it available to the public Recent photos are thus never OK in those countries. However, mechanical reproduction such as photocopying and scanning are not mentioned in the laws, and are probably OK. Similarly, reprints using old etchings and copper-plates are likely not protected."
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